mindset training

Peak Performance starts with a Clear Mind.

Guided imagery workshops that empower forward-thinking businesses and entrepreneurs to tap into their own intuition, creative power, and confidence

whats possible with mindset training?

  • Create a team of high-performing individuals who value their position



  • drastically improve FOCUS AND FLOw

  • receive a 5x return on your time investment

  • Increase team members focus, clarity, and well-being. thereby creating a healthier, more efficient workspace for the modern organization where employees feel empowed and capable to not only meet expectations, but feel encouraged to go above and beyond.

    Decrease harmfull stress and overwhelm. Giving your team the tools they need to recognize and then either dissipate or transmute (situation dependent) each of these energies. Learning the difference between letting stress limit you, and letting it propel you forward with just a few minor mindset tweeks.

    Create symbiotic relationships between the leadership and its team to facilitate healthy, exponential growth and a better work space for everyone involved. Disolving toxic work environments that don’t allow people to operate from a safe and optimal state of being.

    Foster Creative Thinking and deep intuitive insight by allowing team members space to get in touch with higher consciousness. From a neuroscience perspective this means shifting the physiology from fight flight flee to a state of relaxation where the creative mind can thrive, and then digging deeper to access Theta and Alpha level neural oscillations to access the subconscious mind, then bridging the gap between deep insight an capability to outward driven Task Focus creating the environment where flow can thrive.

  • I believe that through a dedicated mindfulness practice, any organization can create a mutual flow of respect and productivity that will net in exponential growth of the entire unit as well as individuals ability to focus, think creatively, and perform under pressure.


    My goal is to provide the space for those ideas to materialize, and the confidence needed to execute.

    A dedicated mindfulness practice increases productivity, employee satisfaction + retention, and therefore company profits. Decreasing loss due to distraction, stress, and negative health.

  • Integrate transformative practices of guided visualization, self exploration, and subconscious re-wiring using time-honored techniques that have shaped some of history's most brilliant minds. Rooted in ancient wisdom, bolstered by pioneering research and exemplified in modern thought leaders, these techniques are harnessed by the world's top achievers. Coupled with advanced neuroscience and mindset training methods, I lead employees into profound states of awareness, unlocking latent potential within them.

What would it be worth to you, if you could…

  • Have your team systematically generate insightful ideas.

  • create a workplace where employees feel; Valued, Heard, and seen

  • Build a team of employees who perform effectively, and creatively

  • foster the strategic development of the next phase of human evolution.

cognitive perfomance

SHARPER FOCUS + Faster flow states

enhanced CREATIVE thinking

growth mindset + mental clarity

mental well-being


nervous system regulation

decreases stress + anxiety

oragnization benefits

increased productivity + efficiency

decreased mistakes due to overwhelm

peak performing employees

team benefits

stronger sense of community

collaborative communication

TEamates in sync

Embrace a collaborative work culture, heightened focus, and enhanced creativity, all while fostering radical peace and well-being. Together we will unlock a profound sense of clarity, purpose, and fulfillment- for all.

mindset training Packages


In-house visualization and meditation practices in your office on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. I will seamlessly integrate myself as one of your own, but with higher ROI than you ever thought possible. I will become your most vital asset in your mission to build an impactful business by establishing the habit of mindfulness.

series 5 workshop

A highly customizable 5-session training series. I will work with your organization to find out what your primary weak points are that could be resolved through mindset shifts, and then create a mindset training and visualization program specific to the needs of your company.

executive Training

For the Thoughtful Leader. You might need this if: You are feeling stuck, anxious, or overwhelmed, Don’t know where the next step is, or want to find a way to de-stress and find hidden areas that maximize productivity and minimize effort. Think 80/20.