zen design | art works

Inspired designs and products that create physical environments of Tranquillity + Relaxation

zen gardens

Modern interpretations of traditional Zen art forms that promote insightful relaxation and a hands on experience: Garden Design, Meditative spaces, and custom water fountains


Custom pieces of art that will elevate your space, as well as your state of mind, Including Desktop Zen Gardens, water fountains, and other enriching items crafted from deep states of inspiration.


Nature and the way we interact with it can heal us… inspire us, calm our minds, and ignite A sENSE of creativity. Our souls crave the stillness and tranquility that nature provides because we are a part of it.

Our subconscious minds delight at the sight of naturally occurring fractals, We are captivated by the reflections of still waters, and we are anchored into presence by the sound of a trickling stream.

Incorporating nature into our daily lives is a vital component of living in alignment with who we are. Creative. By nature.