hi, I’m Keate.Dean

  • courses for radical living

  • immersive meditation and Mindset consulting

  • vibey notion templates

  • uniquely inspired designs

I provide


  • Helping you find your path to Radical living with inner peace, confidence, and clarity.

  • Helping teams connect to their intuition and potential through practical application of immersive visualization, guided meditation and creative strategy

  • Fostering Genuine Connections, Laughter, Play, and a Deeper Sense of Self

  • Sharing tips on how to find mental clarity, focus, and flow

  • Expanding my knowledge on topics that captivate my interest and explore the limits of human capability.

LOVE , light, Tacos.

above all else,

personal journal entries.

REad at your own discretion

I have a nasty habit of trying to make everything perfect.

It seeps its way into nearly all aspects of my life. Especially in the things I create to share with the world. This habit holds me back from being able to freely share what is on my mind. A mind that gets more burdened day by day the longer these thoughts are confined, as I know many of them could be of value to you, dear reader, as they are to me.

This Blog section gives me a space to let you, dear reader, gain direct access to what’s going on in my inner world. Thoughts that I struggle to make perfect enough to share, concepts I desire to bring to life, tools that help me see more clearly, personal insights, and new things that I am learning.

They will not be perfect, but… neither am I.