Mindful guidance

Immersive Meditation | Visualization

corporate and group

In today's fast-paced environment, stress and anxiety are becoming increasingly common. Leading to burnout, dissatisfaction, and sub-par performance. A well calibrated mindfulness program has the power to elevate the emotional well-being and mental clarity of individuals, and in turn, the success of a team.

Through group visualization, mindfulness exercises, and immersive meditation, your organization will benefit from:

  • Stress reduction and management.

  • Enhanced focus + clarity

  • Increased positive communication and collaboration

  • Facilitate personal and professional growth

  • Improve Employee retention and satisfaction

  • Greater Idea generation and intuitive thinking

Group Immersive meditation offers a transformative approach to improving work satisfaction, productivity, and collaboration within your organization. I work with you and your team to create customized visualizations and trainings that fit the need of your organization’s vision + the needs of the individuals that make it all possible.

one v. one

Mindfulness has profoundly changed my life, but there have been a lot of mistakes I’ve made on my journey in incorporating mindfulness practices into my life while balancing productivity and visions of future success with present-moment peace, presence, and play. I am here to share the steps that lead to that change and help you experience the same benefits while avoiding rookie mistakes and traveling down unhelpful paths. Benefits that include

  • More Authentic Living | Personal Character Development

  • Deeper Life satisfaction and Enjoyment

  • Radical Peace, Presence, and Play

  • Connection to your intuition

  • Improved Focus and Mental Clarity

By working with me you will learn how to enhance your connection to the Ultimate Truth, The truth that you have everything you need within you, and from a place of deep understanding that you are a brilliant creator and capable of far more than you know. I will help you uncover the negative thoughts that hold you back, and work with you to shift your mindset into one that is rich with confidence, gratitude, and optimism. Together we will develop systems that will allow you to unleash your highest purpose on the unsuspecting world.

Who am I?

For the past 10 years, I have made it my mission to deepen my understanding of Consciousness. Diving deep into the physiological conditions that affect Focus, Mindset, Flow, and Creativity. Along this path, I have gained insight and knowledge that was more profound than I could have ever envisioned and completely flipped the script on how I view reality, faith, and what is possible for the creative human spirit. My goal is to share the knowledge that has been the most impactful to my own life, guide others into deep states of awareness and peace, and tap into powerful sources of creativity, and intuition. My knowledge has been obtained through relentless study in modern sciences (including neuroscience, psychology, and physiology), hundreds of hours of dedicated to individual mindfulness and meditation practices, relevant trainings/certifications

My aim is higher than mere productivity hacking, although that is a pleasant side effect. My purpose is to guide you to deeper states of consciousness that allow you to connect to your intuition, access greater intelligence, and find your path to a fulfilling life.

Keate has dedicated his life to helping others in a deep, authentic, and uncompromising way. nothing beats working one-on-one with a devoted individual like that. His guidance through mindful meditation will help you still the stressful mess and walk toward what you are looking for..
— Jordan