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Courses crafted to awaken you to your Radical Life



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This program will transform you from an overwhelmed stress poodle to a thoughtful Zen Guru in 6 weeks. In this time frame, you will develop powerful mindfulness techniques, and cultivate the essentials of mindful living including gratitude, stillness, thought observation, and perfecting the art of letting go.

  • I hear you, and trust me, I debated making it shorter, but ultimately it comes down to this. I want you to actually GET RESULTS. If I am going to pour my heart, soul and time into a program only to give it away, it better damn well actually make a difference. Sure, there are plenty of courses out there that are much shorter, and still very powerful, but I believe that the greatest transformations in life come not from one grand ah-ha moment (while they are great, and I hope to give you some) they are more easily forgotten and you run the risk of falling back into the same negative beliefs systems you wanted to overcome in the first place. The greatest transformations take place in the establishment of healthy, repetitive, belief systems and habits developed in small increments over a long period of time. There is a reason all the top execs in Silicon Valley are micro-dosing “mindfulness”. Sustainability, longevity, and deeply rooted transformation is the name of the game.

    You can’t rush personal transformation, because ultimately there is no end to the journey. That said, if you wanted to just completely devour this program, you could probably get through it heavily caffeinated over the course of a weekend, but you would be doing the course, it’s creator, and yourself, a major diservice.

  • I always recomend to come into a knew experience with zero expectations. Just let the experiences unveil itself to you how it wants to without placing labels on it, but I will give you a quick run-down of what you can expect the program to include.

    Expect to set aside roughly 10 minutes of your day, each day- to the course. I will guide you through 2 topical lessons each week to deepen your understanding of the essential skillsets required to actually transform how you approach life. You will be encouraged to actively participate and not passively skim the content. Each week contains 2 guided meditations created just for this course, 2 days of journal prompts and thought experiments, 2 lessons on the weekly topic, and one day to integrate your knowledge to really sink in the learning and prepare for the next phase. There will be opportunities to do some extra credit reading, and the chance to test yourself on the progress you have made so that you can see if the program is actually having an effect, plus more than 20 BONUS mindfulness exercises to try out.

  • Week 1: Mindfulness Essentials.

    Week 2: Cultivating Gratitude

    Week 3: Practicing Stillness

    Week 4: Managing Self-Talk and Difficult Emotions

    Week 5: The Art of Letting Go

    Week 6: Incorporating these skills into your life for more peace, presence, and play.

radical transformation Series





notion templates

Dream Journal and Lucid guide
Sale Price:$5.00 Original Price:$7.00